CALL: +27 82 959 3966

Advanced Customization

R350,00 *per hour

Integrated Wordpress features


Extend WordPress/WooCommerce functionality:

  1. programmatically read/write to custom post types data, custom taxonomy data, product/variations data, cart data, order data, user data and custom meta data pertaining to these using the relevant WooCommerce/WP actions/filters, wp-queries and ajax calls (also calling any necessary built-in jQuery functions, for example the added-to-cart trigger, to maintain compatibility)
  2. add admin user interface at appropriate locations for custom meta data eg. global site options in a dashboard widget and extra fields in the user profile form
  3. modify the WooCommerce API response and write to the WooCommerce API from an external API/CSV
  4. create widgets, theme modifications and extend 3rd party plugin functionality
  5. templating for PDFs, emails, post loops and WooCommerce endpoints, custom sidebars/widget areas
  6. configure Contact Form 7, Slider Revolution, Ajax Search Pro, TineMCE and various other modules and plugins